Overview of Midshaft Clavicle Fracture
Clavicle fractures are very common. They comprise 2.6% to 5% of all fractures in adults, with midshaft injuries accounting for almost 75% of all fracture
Clavicle fractures are very common. They comprise 2.6% to 5% of all fractures in adults, with midshaft injuries accounting for almost 75% of all fracture
A fibula fracture refers to a break in the fibula bone. A forceful impact, such as landing after a high jump or any impact to
Collarbone (Clavicle) fractures make up 44% to 66% of all fractures of shoulder. A doctor can often diagnose a clavicle fracture during a physical evaluation,
Cervical or spine implants are orthopedic devices orthopedic surgeons use to decompress and stabilize the spine. These devices are implanted either from the front (anterior) of the
A fibula fracture occurs when there is an injury in the leg to one of the two bones of the leg. The leg (the segment
Fracture Of The Greater Tuberosity: Mechanism Of Fracture This type of fracture occurs in the following cases of direct and indirect injury. In cases of
Ankle Arthrodesis/fusion is the end-stage procedure for the treatment of ankle arthritis. Other options available for treating arthritis of the ankle is Joint Replacement Surgery.
Implants removal belongs to the foremost common elective orthopedic procedures in industrial countries. In an often-cited Finnish study, implant removal contributed to almost 30 percent
Humerus fractures is a break of the humerus bone within the top arm. Besides this, symptoms may include pain, swelling, and bruising. Types for Humerus
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